Genealogy Websites Free to LDS Church Members

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a strong interest in genealogy. In fact, the church’s focus on family history is one of its most distinguishing characteristics as an institution. To help members with this important aspect of their faith, the church offers certain genealogy websites free to LDS church members. These databases include Ancestry Library Edition and FamilySearch, which are full-featured sites that contain billions of records from around the world. The site also provides access to a variety of other lesser-known but still useful databases such as MyHeritage and Findmypast.  People who want LDS-only sites can also find plenty of options through Family History Centers, where church members meet in person to use computers for family history purposes. These include local libraries and meetinghouses across the globe, which provide free access to many types of LDS genealogy software. is the largest genealogical organization in the world, with billions of records and millions of registered users. FamilySearch has made efforts to digitize its vast collection of records, making them accessible online for free at or through one of its apps on your phone. FamilySearch offers several different ways to search these family history records including images, indexes, and digital transcriptions that you can view right online without leaving home! You can also access Ancestral File which contains information about people who have died within the last 100 years from all over the world! No matter where you live or what language you speak, everyone can discover their ancestral heritage at no cost using this amazing resource.

How do LDS members get a free Ancestry account?

If you have been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for any length of time, you may be wondering how to get free access to The Church has partnered with Ancestry in order to provide members with free access through their individual accounts. All that is required is an LDS account and a working email address in order to activate your membership!

Is MyHeritage free for LDS members?

If you are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), then your family history work may be done for free through FamilySearch, but there are also additional benefits to using MyHeritage that can make it worth looking into. If you’re interested in learning more about the differences between these two companies and how they could help you with your genealogy efforts, read on! 

MyHeritage is a genealogy site that offers free membership for LDS church members. MyHeritage was the first to offer free family tree access and sharing in 2002, and has been providing this service for over 10 years. The LDS Church Family History Library has partnered with MyHeritage to create an interfaith collaboration that provides LDS church members with free access to their genealogical records on the MyHeritage website. To begin your journey of discovering your ancestors’ history, sign up for a FREE account on MyHeritage!


Finding your ancestors can be a difficult and time-consuming process. Luckily, the LDS church has made it easier to find your ancestors by making their genealogy websites available for free to those who have an LDS account.  

By creating an account with FamilySearch you will gain access to all of the resources available through this website including billions of names from around the world, historical records such as census data and immigration lists, family trees created by other users, photos and documents that are digitized or scanned in from microfilm copies. You can also create a tree yourself if you don’t already have one started on another site. This is a great way to learn more about your ancestry without having to pay any money!