Lds Church Policy on Sleepovers

Lds Church Policy on Sleepovers

The Mormon community isn’t the only religion to have strict views on certain social activities, including sleepovers, but their position is clear. The LDS church policy on sleepovers is that they should not be allowed. The consensus within the Mormon Church is that this approach is about preventing sin. Not every parent takes this stance, … Read more

Can Mormons Marry Non-Mormons?

Mormons Temple in Salt Lake City, UT

Religion and marriage is always a tricky subject. It can be difficult to know who can marry who, and anyone dating or considering dating a Latter-day Saint may wish to gain some clarity. So, can Mormons marry non-Mormons? The answer is yes. Mormons can marry outside of the Church, but they face discouragement. With this … Read more